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About Our Practice

Our highly skilled, board-certified invasive & interventional cardiologists are experienced in performing a multitude of procedures that will correct or improve your heart health. Whether you need a stent, catheter-based solution, pacemaker or angioplasty, we have the expertise to address nearly any heart condition.

  • Diagnostic catheterization
  • Angioplasty for blocked arteries & narrowed valves even in patients who need additional cardiac support
  • Stent placement in a simple blocked arteries and arteries that have been blocked for a long time or in artery branches
  • Placement of temporary pacemakers & diagnostic devices

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Our Services

WakeMed Heart & Vascular Physicians cardiologists are dedicated to providing a wide range of services to keep you and your heart healthy in locations convenient to you.

Our general cardiologists also spend a lot of time helping patients manage their heart disease symptoms through lifestyle changes and medication. Many people visit a general cardiologist because they have one of the following symptoms or conditions. 

  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Irregular heartbeat, palpitations (fluttering)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Family history of heart disease
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Diabetes or High Blood Sugar
  • Smoking or past history of smoking
  • Overweight/obesity
  • High total cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart murmur or suspected valve problem

Our providers are board-certified in a wide range of specialties, and we are welcoming new patients and most insurance plans.

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    Thank You to Our Founders 

    Many of the physicians included in WakeMed Heart & Vascular combined group were originally employed by Raleigh Cardiology. Raleigh Cardiology was formed on August 1, 1979 by G. Ray Cheely and Charles Mangano. Shortly thereafter, they were joined by Virgil Wynia and Amarendra Reddy.

    These four physicians helped build the WakeMed Heart Program into North Carolina's busiest cardiac program. Dr. Reddy performed the first heart catheterization at WakeMed. Both Dr. Wynia and Dr. Reddy retired as of October 2015 and we are greatly appreciative to them for their years of great patient care.

    Amarendra Reddy, MD, FACCVirgil H. Wynia, MD, FACC