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The following are some ways to help you take better care of yourself amidst this global pandemic.

#1 – Acknowledge what you’re feeling.

Give yourself permission to feel whatever emotions come up without judging yourself

#2 – Let go what you can’t control.

What your neighbor is doing is out of your control, what is in your control is staying six feet away from them, washing your hands, taking care of yourself mentally & physically. Focus on what you can control

#3 – Take deep breaths.

When we get overwhelmed, that emotion effects our breathing which in turn increases our stress and cortisol level. Incorporating some deep breathing techniques can help to calm and center you.

#4 – Set boundaries.

Clearly define work hours to family members and try and keep the timings consistent. Set up a Do Not Disturb sign alerting others that you’re needing to focus or on a video call

#5 – Create a schedule.

When does the day start or end? Who knows at this point! Implement a to do list, maintain your deadlines, take lunch and small breaks for fresh air and to refocus.

#6 – Create a space of gratitude.

Find a quiet space that you feel safe and can focus on yourself. Whether that’s a hot bathtub, a patio chair facing the sunshine, or a reading nook spend a few minutes a day in a space where you can focus on all the good in life

#7 – Move your body.

Our bodies were designed for movement. Movement promotes blood circulation, releases tension, gives us an increase in those happy hormones, regulates our sleep and so much more. If running isn’t your thing that’s fine, find something you do like. What rejuvenates you? What calms you? What movement excites you?

#8 – Reach out to your tribe.

Sometimes, when we’re feeling out of control, we disconnect or isolate from our loved ones but this is the time we need them the most. So, schedule phone calls with your family and friends, a Zoom party, or even just funny & silly text threads can make you feel supported and connected.

#9 – Remind yourself this is temporary.

What we are all going through as historic and chaotic as it might be, is just temporary. We’re all in this together so take a deep breath and try and move forward one step at a time.

Carving Out Quality Self-Care Time is Important

There is only one of you and although you might wear many hats, you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. Carve out some quality self-care time and be kind to yourself.

About Emily Medlin, CHC

Emily Medlin is a certified Health & Wellness Coach who graduated from Meredith College with a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science and a Health & Wellness Certification through the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. With over 19 years of experience in health education, fitness, nutrition, and wellness coaching for corporate and individual patients, Emily enjoys working with all populations especially those that are high risk for developing chronic diseases.

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Visit the WakeMed website here for the latest news, resources and information related to coronavirus (COVID-19), updated visitation restrictions and more.

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Emily Medlin CHC