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Each year, the WakeMed Foundation’s Community Campaign offers an opportunity to support hospital programs and services. We connected with Gavin Shaw, president of Campion Capital, LLC and a member of the WakeMed Foundation Board of Directors, to talk about why being involved with the WakeMed Foundation is important to him.

Outstanding Care

Not long after his family moved from the UK to North Carolina, Gavin Shaw’s youngest daughter became very sick. It was when she was cared for and treated at WakeMed that Gavin saw firsthand the compassion and care that WakeMed provides. “When my daughter was about one or two, she was very sick and spent three nights in the WakeMed Children’s Hospital,” Gavin says. “The most important thing we experienced was the care and support they gave to my daughter. It was my first real introduction to the amazing doctors and nurses at WakeMed, in general, and with the Children’s Hospital, in particular.”

Getting Involved

After being so welcomed by the local community, Gavin had a desire to get involved in the community and give back. Not long after his daughter’s experience at WakeMed, Gavin interacted with a WakeMed Board Member. It was that interaction that sparked his interest in working with the WakeMed Foundation. That was more than five years ago, and his involvement and dedication have continued to grow since then. Gavin says, “I love every interaction with WakeMed, and the WakeMed Foundation. I get back so much more than I give, and am honored to be involved.”

Spreading the Word

Gavin feels energized and excited with every interaction he has with WakeMed, especially in his role as Foundation Board Member and Chair of the Major Gifts Committee. His favorite aspect of this role is spreading the word about WakeMed. He takes pride in talking to individuals and corporations about the amazing care WakeMed offers to every person who walks through its doors. He says it’s an opportunity to share the important work that WakeMed does, while raising crucial funds for a very important cause.

“WakeMed makes a difference in people’s lives today no matter what their background,” Gavin says. “It helps people get better today. I love that aspect of it. The fact it helps the community be a better and healthy place – it’s amazing work that everyone in the Wake area benefits from. And to be able to broaden the level of knowledge of people in Raleigh and the surrounding areas about WakeMed, while raising money, is just a wonderful experience.”

About Gavin Shaw

Gavin Shaw is the president of Campion Capital, LLC. He has been involved with WakeMed for more than five years, and is passionate about his involvement. Gavin is on the WakeMed Foundation Board of Directors, and serves as the Chair of the recently developed Major Gifts Committee. He was previously a team leader on the annual Community Campaign and has also served on the Helton Scholarship Committee, which was a humbling experience as he helped select the scholarship winners from well-deserving WakeMed employees.

About the Community Campaign and How to Get Involved

Each year, the WakeMed Foundation Community Campaign offers an opportunity for the community — for you — to support hospital programs and services. Foundation board members and volunteers raise donations and sponsorships of every amount from existing and new donors. One hundred percent of donated dollars go directly to fund programs and services to support patient care in all areas of the hospital. Creating healing environments. Providing innovative programs. Investing in skilled and compassionate caregivers. Supporting the urgent needs of our patients and families. Donations make it all possible. Your gift truly helps save and transform lives. Your gift truly helps save and transform lives. To join our group of volunteers, email Ashley Stallings at astallings@wakemed.org. Make a gift now.

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