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When Jeremy Evans looked in the mirror, he liked what he saw. At 34 years old, he'd achieved just the look he wanted: a modern man bun, thick brows, a perfectly coiffed goatee and an athletic build. Yet, in mid-March 2024, he was in for a startling change when he saw his reflection.

"I awoke one morning to find the lymph nodes on the right and left sides of my neck had swollen to the size of golf balls." 

Jeremy was surprised but hopeful they would return to normal. The nodes went down a little, so Jeremy brushed it off, but then the swelling returned with a vengeance. Within a couple of weeks, they were the size of softballs.

"I was sitting at work one day, and I could barely swallow. I could barely get food down, so I left work and went to WakeMed Cary Hospital Emergency Department."

A Search for Answers

Jeremy was immediately admitted, and the care team determined it would be best to transfer him by ambulance to WakeMed Raleigh Campus

Jeremy Evans and Hospital Team

For the next 13 days, the team ran tests, including a computed tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and blood work to determine the cause of Jeremy's swollen lymph nodes. He underwent two biopsies. 

"Doctors biopsied the left side of my neck and cells from the left side of my nose. They couldn't find anything."

Committed to finding an answer, the team then removed a lymph node from the right side of Jeremy's neck. On April 5, they discovered stage 2 lymphoma within the removed node. 

Cancer Care in the Best of Hands

Around April 7, Jeremy had an appointment with oncologist Praveen Namireddy, MD, at WakeMed Cancer Care – Hematology & Medical Oncology – Raleigh, who informed Jeremy of the treatment plan, which consisted of the administration of chemotherapy every three weeks over six sessions.

May 5 was Jeremy's birthday, which he spent at WakeMed Raleigh Campus, undergoing his second cycle. 

"During the second treatment, the right side of my neck went down completely. I was excited about that."

Jeremy had some side effects from the chemotherapy, but he was encouraged by obvious progress.

"I've experienced hair loss. One day, I was taking my hair down, and my whole bun came off into my hands. That was scary. My beard also peeled off like I'd put a hair removal chemical on it. I also lost my eyebrows. Yet, my bushy leg hair remains. Of all the things, I wish the chemo had taken my leg hair. My weight changed too. They gave me steroids, so I have gained weight. I started this journey at 180 pounds, and now I'm over 200 pounds. I can't wait to get in the gym to get this off. I also have had fatigue. I'm tired most of the time. I take short walks, but I experience shortness of breath. I also can't lift anything heavy."

Jeremy also received a shot to increase his blood cell count, so his bones ached some days.

He was discharged from the WakeMed Raleigh Campus on Monday, August 19 in completion of his final round of chemotherapy as an inpatient, and his mom gifted a bell to the oncology unit. Jeremy was honored to be the first to ring it in commemoration of the occasion. 

Cancer Bell

Nurse Michael W. built a house for the bell.

Nurse Michael with bell

On Thursday, August 22, Jeremy went in for an infusion treatment at WakeMed Hematology & Medical Oncology – Raleigh. 

Praveen NamireddyDr. Namireddy explains, "I had the privilege of witnessing the resilience of the human spirit as I treated Jeremy, who was diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. His treatment required intense chemotherapy with dose adjusted R-EPOCH along with intrathecal chemotherapy. After just two cycles, almost 90 percent of the tumor shrank. After completing six cycles, Jeremy awaited a scan to ensure his cancer is in remission. His courage in the face of uncertainty and unwavering determination to fight remind us all of the strength we carry within. It is moments like these that inspire and renew our commitment to providing compassionate care." 

Jeremy's Life Today

Jeremy has been out of work for a few months since he started his treatment, but he is eager to get back to bartending at a popular restaurant in Morrisville, NC. 

"My boss has been great. She told me that they will take me back whenever I am ready to return."

In the meantime, Jeremy occupies his time focusing on his recovery.

"Once I regain my energy, I'm eager to get back into the gym and volleyball. The Olympics helped me feed my volleyball interest, but I want to do it again myself. I enjoy the volleyball world. I'm ready to get back to some level of normalcy and at least start being active again."

Gratitude for Exceptional Care

"All the team is phenomenal. They've been very helpful and very generous. They've each talked me through the process. When I would get nervous about something, they'd explain thoroughly, even sharing side effects. I love these people. I feel confident in my care team.

And, now the PET scan showed the cancer is all gone! I'm so happy that I'm in full remission!"


About WakeMed Cancer Care – Hematology & Medical Oncology

At WakeMed Cancer Care – Hematology & Medical Oncology, we understand that being diagnosed with a blood disorder or cancer can feel overwhelming. Recognizing the fear and uncertainty a patient may be experiencing, we are committed to walking alongside our patients, to support, guide and render the most compassionate care for as long as we’re needed.

The most important member of our community is you. That’s why we created a community of caregivers who surround our patients with proven medical and surgical expertise, state-of-the-art-technology, world-class nursing care, advanced physical rehabilitation services and specialized support services.

No matter your condition or stage, our multidisciplinary team treats your cancer with the latest technologies and the highest standards of clinical quality.

Every patient’s cancer journey is unique. And, so is your care.

About WakeMed Emergency Care

The WakeMed system of emergency departments is one of the largest and busiest in North Carolina. As a result, we’ve pretty much seen it all. Our doctors are board certified in emergency medicine, are backed by the highest designated Trauma Center available and bring with them the depth of experience that you would expect from the area’s leader in emergency care.

So, rest assured that no matter where it hurts we’ve got you covered.


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