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Have you ever come across the term labyrinthitis? It affects around 35 million people annually, which equates to about 3.5 cases for every 100,000 people. This condition causes inflammation in parts of the inner ear involved in balance and hearing; it can lead to dizziness, hearing loss, ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and unsteadiness.

Sudden Debilitating Symptoms

In February 2021, Patty Crutcher experienced sudden, severe dizziness; hearing loss; and disequilibrium that made it impossible for her to enjoy her daily routine, including running; doing computer work; shopping; and engaging in leisurely, evening walks with her husband. The symptoms continued through November 2022 when Patty finally connected with a doctor who developed a care plan. 

"It was very challenging. I lost my morning runs, which I'd enjoyed for years. When I'd awake in the morning, I had to sit on the side of the bed to steady myself and make sure I was comfortable standing up. I walked like a person under the influence of alcohol because I wasn't completely steady on my feet. Going around corners could really make me dizzy, and I'd even fall."

WakeMed Physician Practices to the Rescue

Patty scheduled an appointment with WakeMed Primary Care physician Rhoda Chang, MD, who diagnosed her with labyrinthitis. Dr. Chang prescribed a steroid dose pack and then referred Patty to an ear nose and throat (ENT) specialist, where she learned she'd lost 30 percent of her left-side hearing function and 40 percent of her left-side balance function — due to the prolonged, untreated condition. She was referred to WakeMed Physical Therapy, where she met vestibular specialist Ann Pearce, PT, DPT for vestibular rehabilitation therapy.

"I began working with Ann in January 2023. After four months, I was able to get back to a new normal. I could go for runs, manage grocery shopping and enjoy everyday activities without becoming dizzy or losing my balance."

Patty in therapy

Ann Pearce explains, "Our goal for Patty's physical therapy was to help her get back to as many of her activities as possible without feeling dizzy. Initially, this involved walking on greenways and as she got better, we aimed for her to return to running. The interventions we used included gaze stabilization exercises to improve her ability to focus on stationary object while moving her head, habituation exercises to decrease her dizziness, sensory balance exercises to help her feel where she was in space and dynamic balance exercises to support her in moving more quickly without losing her balance or getting dizzy."

Another Surprising Diagnosis

On September 16, 2024, Patty suffered another bout of labyrinthitis. Recalling the significant impact of her last occurrence, she quickly called Dr. Chang. Again, Dr. Chang prescribed a steroid dose pack and referred Patty to WakeMed ENT- Head & Neck Surgery otolaryngologist Nathan Calloway, MD. In November 2024, Dr. Calloway confirmed the diagnosis of labyrinthitis and that her hearing was at a 50 percent loss in her left ear. 

"Dr. Calloway told me he was glad I'd gone for medical care right away because the sooner steroids are started, the better and faster recovery can progress."

Quick Action Leads to Swift Results

Patty again had issues with gait, balance and steadiness, and Dr. Chang referred her, once again, to Ann Pearce in WakeMed Physical Therapy, where she learned exercises to improve her balance and decrease her dizziness.

Patty laughing in therapy

"Ann was so wonderful. I saw her just once a week to help reduce the issues with dizziness, while not triggering a migraine. I remember telling Ann in December 2024 that I knew I was improving because I could now bend down and tie my shoes and not get dizzy during a walk."

Patty completed therapy on February 19, 2025, and she hopes never to have another bout of labyrinthitis. 

"Dr. Calloway told me that contracting it initially is not very common and then contracting it a second time is rare, so I hope this is it. Meanwhile, thanks to Ann, I now know what exercises to do, the order to do them in and which are the best ones to help me balance and control dizziness based on my symptoms."

Patty's Life Today

Patty feeling better today

Today, Patty can run, walk straight, go grocery shopping as well as simply enjoy life.

"There was a dance at my mom's apartment building for seniors in December 2024. I was able to dance with my family. It was then I realized the significant impact balance issues had had on my quality of life."

Patty also intends to return to WakeMed ENT - Head & Neck Surgery to be fitted with a hearing aid for her left ear. 

She teases, "I was told that I've lost the ability to hear many low tones, which means I can't understand my husband's voice if he is on my left side. While there may be some benefits to that, I still figure it couldn't hurt to have my hearing restored."

About WakeMed ENT- Head & Neck Surgery

WakeMed ENT - Head & Neck Surgery is proud to offer ear, neck, and throat (ENT) services in addition to audiology services for adults and children in Apex, Garner, North Raleigh and Raleigh, North Carolina.

About WakeMed Physical Therapy 

It’s our goal at WakeMed Physician Practices – Physical Therapy to get you back to your active lifestyle. Our techniques are based on national best practices to ensure you receive the latest, best treatment for your condition. We provide physical therapy and occupational therapy in Raleigh, Cary, the Brier Creek area and Apex, North Carolina. Vestibular rehab is offered at locations in South and North Raleigh, Cary, Clayton and Brier Creek.

About WakeMed Primary Care

WakeMed Physician Practices features board-certified primary care, internal medicine and family medicine physicians conveniently located throughout the Triangle.

Our exceptional and compassionate providers and care teams pride themselves on developing long-term relationships with their patients and their families.  Specializing in:

  • Chronic disease & medication management
  • Annual check-ups & screenings
  • Acute illnesses like flu, cold, sinus infections and sore throats
  • Mood & depression assistance
  • Physician-directed weight loss
  • And much more

About Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy

Patients typically referred for vestibular rehab have been diagnosed with a vestibular condition including:

  • Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo (BPPV)
  • Vestibular Neuritis or Labyrinthitis
  • Concussion
  • Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD)
  • Vestibular Migraines
  • Central Nervous System Disorders, such as stroke or brain injuries
  • Acoustic Neuroma
  • Meniere’s Disease

If you have not yet been assessed or diagnosed with a vestibular condition, common symptoms usually include:

  • General dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Imbalance and difficulty walking
  • Feeling unsteady or disoriented when you move or are in busy places
  • Frequent falls
  • Nausea
  • Vertigo (a feeling of spinning or movement, such as rocking)
  • Blurred vision
  • Motion Sensitivity
Is Vestibular Rehab Right for Me?

If you are interested in a vestibular assessment and evaluation, call 919-350-7000 to schedule an appointment today at a WakeMed Outpatient Rehabilitation location near you. A physician referral is required for outpatient rehab services.




WakeMed Rehab & Physical Therapy