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At WakeMed, we are honored to extend a very warm welcome to our newly appointed vice president of the WakeMed Foundation, Hank Woods. Please take a moment to read his words on what drew him to WakeMed, why he serves and what he hopes to achieve.

The Wake Way culture, which manifests itself in every aspect of the organization, is what attracted me to WakeMed. Many organizations talk about their culture, but few live into it like WakeMed. It is demonstrated by providers and staff, embodying the spirit that how we do things is often more important than what we do. I am thrilled to be part of this family and to have the opportunity to help this organization fulfill our mission to the community.  

The offshoot to my work in philanthropy is a quote by John F. Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” 

The WakeMed Foundation's Part in WakeMed's Aspirational Goals

 At WakeMed, we each play a role in supporting our mission of improving the health and well-being of our community. The Foundation team works with talented volunteers and generous donors within our community to seek the resources that enable physicians, nurses and others in the clinical enterprise to build on their work of providing life-saving, high-quality care to the patients and families we serve. 

We are incredibly fortunate to have so many in our community that care deeply about the mission of the hospital and are willing to lend their time, talent and treasure on behalf of our patients and their loved ones.

The "Why" for the WakeMed Foundation

One of my favorite quotes is from Winston Churchill, who said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” It has been proven time and time again in my 20+ years working in philanthropy.

Our donors and volunteers exemplify this spirit of giving and service, and the joy they exhibit in doing so is inspirational. Every member of our community I’ve spoken with has shared that they get more from their involvement than they could ever give — and that speaks to the mission we all serve.

The quote also inspires me to continually strive to be a servant leader. At times, that feels a bit disingenuous as I am surrounded by so many wonderful examples that it almost feels as if I am cheating. Our staff reminds me of it every day and that is a true gift. 

With this in mind, I think we work best when we help donors and volunteers find their “why and how.” We’re asking those involved in philanthropy at WakeMed to provide their time, talent and treasure in order to make a meaningful impact in the lives of our patients and their families. It's wonderful that so many are willing to take up the charge. 

Goals for the Next Year

Our goal for these next 12 months is to partner with our community to move our philanthropic efforts to the next level and to dramatically increase the resources that support the mission of the hospital system. The needs of a growing community necessitate that we be part of the solution moving forward. 

I Care because It's Personal

In addition to the culture of WakeMed, health care is a deeply meaningful and personal endeavor for me. I have aging parents and a child who has a genetic condition that has been present since birth. 

My wife and I are deeply grateful to have access to remarkable health care in this area, and it is a privilege and pleasure to join the WakeMed community in an effort to expand those offerings. 


WakeMed Foundation