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doctor monitoring baby in NICU

No one plans on having a critically ill baby or a baby requiring special medical attention. However, at WakeMed North Hospital, we are fully prepared to care for and treat newborns that may need urgent, specialized care immediately following birth.

Our team of neonatologists and neonatal nurse practitioners care for ill newborns in the WakeMed North Level II Special Care Nursery, the WakeMed Raleigh Campus’ Level IV Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), and WakeMed Cary Hospital’s NICU. Our neonatology team can stabilize the sickest babies and provide respiratory support, nutritional support, and thermoregulation to babies needing extra care after birth. Our team also works closely with the hospital’s obstetrics team to collaborate and coordinate care of the newborn and the newborn’s family. Our ultimate goal is to provide exceptional care for both babies and families. 

Our six-bed, Level II Special Care Nursery at WakeMed North is equipped with incubators, ventilators and the specialists trained to care for newborns requiring intensive medical care after birth. At WakeMed North, we have the capability to deliver babies as early as 34 weeks, and we are also equipped to accommodate twins. Our team of exceptional neonatal providers practices using state-of-the-art equipment and technology in a modern space that reflects healing and fosters family involvement in the care of their child. If necessary, babies can be transferred to the WakeMed Raleigh Campus NICU for a higher level of medical care via our specially equipped and readily available Children's Transport Team. 

Given that our neonatal team delivers the highest level of care available to premature and critically ill babies in Wake County, parents can rest assured that their baby is being cared for by a superior group of specialized physicians and nurse practitioners.