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vistor at information deskThe entrance for Day Surgery patients is located on the Ground Floor of WakeMed North.

Parking is located directly in the front of the Day Surgery entrance, which is on the lower level facing Durant Road. It can be accessed by entering the facility from either Falls of Neuse or Durant roads.

For your convenience, there are covered patient drop-off/pick-up areas at the entrance.

Upon your arrival, please check in with the receptionist in the Day Surgery Center lobby (Ground Floor).


Surgery may be canceled when:

  • Food and drink guidelines are not followed.
  • No responsible adult is available to drive you home or stay with you for 24 hours after surgery.
  • There are unexpected changes in your medical condition. Please let your physician know if you have a cold, fever or other illness.
  • You arrive late on the day of your surgery.

If you need to cancel your appointment for surgery, please contact your physician.

If you need to cancel on the actual day of your surgery, please contact the pre-operative area at 919-350-1430.

Billing & Insurance

Payment for services will be arranged at Patient Registration.

If you have questions about payment, please call the Business Office at 919-350-8359 between 9 am and 6 pm, Monday through Friday.  Depending on your insurance coverage, you may be asked for a deposit.

Please bring your insurance card and any claim forms required by your insurance company on the day of surgery so we can file claims related to your procedure.

Remember to contact your insurance company prior to surgery to determine if pre-certification or a second opinion is required.

You will be billed separately for anesthesiologist and surgeon fees, as well as pathologist and radiologist services if they were required.

More Information

Billing & Insurance

Advance Directives

Federal law requires us to inform every adult patient about advance directives. WakeMed has policies in place to honor advance directives made in accordance with North Carolina law.

At registration, you will be given written information about state laws regarding advance directives. We can provide copies of the living will and health care power of attorney forms. You may also request copies of our hospital policies regarding living wills and health care powers of attorney.

If you have an appointed health care power of attorney, please bring legal verification.

Organ and Tissue Donation

When you make the decision to donate organs and tissues, you are giving the most generous gift you can give: the gift of life. Recent medical advances make it possible to transplant many types of tissues and organs successfully. If you would like to become an organ donor, ask your nurse or physician for a Uniform Donor Card.

For further information about organ and tissue donation, please call Carolina Donor Services at 1-800-252-2672.