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Welcome to the WakeMed Case Management Resource Site. Many of the resources included in the following information link directly to the community organizations.  Other links will open .pdf resources.

Service: Adult Protective Services

Adult Protective Services

Contact the county where patient resides to report abuse, neglect or exploitation of an elderly or disabled adult. (919-831-6311 after 5p, weekends & holidays) Wake County-after hours report can be given to the CPS worker on call at 919-723-6776

Division of Health Service Regulation

Complaint intake unit that receives and investigates complaints regarding the care and services provided to patients/residents/consumers of health care facilities/agencies/homes. Includes skilled nursing and adult care homes & group homes.

Service: Animal Control

Durham County Animal Control

For situations requiring the response of a animal services officer, please contact the Sheriff's Emergency Communications center at 919-560-0900

Franklin County Animal Control

For all animal bite reports, call the Franklin County Sherriff's office at 919-496-2186

Granville County Animal Control

To report a animal bite during normal business hours please call 919-693-6749, after hours/weekends please contact the Granville County Sherriff's office at 919-693-3213

To report a animal bite during normal business hours call 910-894-2952, after hours/weekends please contact the Harnett County Sheriff's Office at 910-893-9111

Johnston County Animal Control

To report an animal bite during normal business hours please call 919-934-8474, after hours/weekends please contact the Johnston County Sherriff's office at 919-989-5010

Nash County Animal Control

To report a animal bite during normal business hours please call 252-459-9855, after hours/weekends please contact the Nash County Sherriff's office at 252-459-1511

Wake County Animal Control

Call must be made to the jursdiction that covers the current location of the animal. The main contact number for Wake County locations outside of Raleigh, Cary, Holly Springs or Garner is 919-212-PETS.

Service: Assisted Living/Rest Home (Wake County) 

Assisted Living Facilities List

This is a printable list that can be provided to a patient.

Child Protective Services

Child Protective Services

To report the abuse or neglect of a child call the county DSS where the patient resides during normal business hours. (919-831-6311 after hours, weekends & holidays) In Wake County the after hours CPS worker can be contacted directly at 919-723-6776.

Service: Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain Outpatient Resources

This is a printable list of clinics that can be provided to patients who need chronic pain management.

Service: Dental Resources

Wake Smiles

Dental clinic serving the low income, uninsured.  Patients must be referred from Alliance Medical Ministry, Healing Transitions, The Open Door Clinic, The Miriam Clinic, Raleigh Rescue Mission or the Salvation Army.

Lincoln Health Center

Sliding scale fee based on income and family size, minimum co-payment for the uninsured is $40.00, accepts Medicaid at $3.00 minimum co-payment.

Patient must go through an application process, then monthly drawing and screening prior to becoming a patient, fees for service will apply.

Service: Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence - Durham CO

Click on link for 24-Hour Crisis Line.

Domestic Violence - Johnston CO

Click on link for 24-Hour Crisis Line.

Domestic Violence - Wake CO

Click on link for 24-Hour Crisis Line.

Domestic Violence - Franklin CO

Click on link for 24-Hour Crisis Line.

Families Living Violence Free - Granville County

Click on link for 24-Hour Crisis Line

My Sister's House - Nash County

Click on link for 24-Hour Crisis Line

Service: Durable Medical Equipment Companies 

DME Listing (excel file)

Printable list of DME Companies.

Service: Emergency Shelters - For Children

Wrenn House

Shelter for young people ages 10-17. Located at 508 West Morgan Street, Raleigh

Service: Emergency Shelters - For Families

Family Promise of Wake County

Short term shelter for couples with or without children or single women with children. Pt must call 919-832-6024 or present to 903 Method Road, Raleigh for intake Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm

Urban Ministries of Durham

Nine family rooms available, referrals accepted. Contact number 919-682-0538

Service: Emergency Shelters - For Men

Durham Rescue Mission - Men

Shelter & 3 meals a day to help the homeless in the Raleigh-Durham area get back on their feet. If you present to the Durham Rescue Mission for shelter, you will not be turned away. Please call 919-688-9641 ext. 5050 for the address and instructions.

S. Wilmington Street Shelter

You will be given a bed the first night you arrive. After that, you are put on a lottery list. Shelter is open to any male in need of shelter on “White Flag” nights.

Smithfield (Mens) Rescue

Please call 919-934-9257 for availability and directions. Must have photo ID. They do accommodate extra people on “White Flag” evenings and may be able to assist with transportation to the shelter.

Healing Transitions for Men

36 beds for patients willing to enter a substance abuse treatment program. Open 7 days a week on a first-come, first-serve basis. Call: 919-838-9800 for bed availability. They do accommodate extra people on “White Flag” evenings.


Housing for single men. Capacity 40. Shared living space. $60 per week. Dinner provided.

Service: Emergency Shelters - For Women

Durham Rescue Mission - Women

Shelter & 3 meals a day to help the homeless in the Raleigh-Durham area get back on their feet. If you present to the Durham Rescue Mission for shelter, you will not be turned away. Please call 919-688-9641 ext. 5050 for the address and instructions.

Helen Wright Center

There is a waiting list except for “White Flag” nights. PT must call 919-833-1748 to place name on list. *White Flag: evenings when temp. is below freezing or below 38 degrees w/precipitation-NO ONE WILL BE TURNED AWAY


If pts are in need of shelter due to DV, the pt must call 919-828-7740 for interview. If they deem that the pt is appropriate for emergency shelter they will establish a plan and communicate it to the pt and/or person providing care to the pt.

Salvation Army Shelter

Located at 1863 Capital Blvd in Raleigh. Please call 919-834-6733. Shelter is open for all women and children (NO BOYS >10) *White Flag: evenings when temp. is below freezing or below 38 degrees w/precipitation-NO ONE WILL BE TURNED AWAY

Smithfield Rescue Mission

Please call 919-934-9257 for availability and directions. Must have photo ID. They do accommodate extra people on evenings with severe weather and may be able to assist with transportation to the shelter.

Healing Transitions for Women

Client must be at the Women's Center (112 Cox Ave Raleigh) by 3pm in order to see if any beds are available. Beds are currently assigned by a lottery system. Substance abusers willing to participate in their treatment program are first priority.

Urban Ministries of Durham

30 shelter beds for women available, referral needed. Contact number 919-682-0538. White flag nights recognized.

Service: Family Care Homes (NC)

Family Care Homes

A comprehensive list of all family care homes including addresses and phone numbers licensed by the state of NC.

Service: Financial/Crisis Assistance 

Assistance with utility bills for Wake Forest, Youngsville and Rolesville residents only. Must present in person Tuesdays 9am-11:30am or Thursdays from 12pm-3:30pm. Bring bill and identification. Eligible 1 time every 12 months.

Dorcas - Cary

Assistance with utilities or rent/mortgage for residents of Cary or Morrisville only. Patients must present for eligibility Monday-Friday 10-1, extended hours on Tuesday until 3. Located at 187 High House Road Cary NC 27511

Edenton Street United Methodist ChurchPatients must call Amy Hoglund at 919-832-9530 to set up a appointment to be assessed for financial assistance.

FACES: Family and Community Empowerment Services

FACES help Wake County residents of Fuquay-Varina (27526) and Willow Spring (27592) during financial emergencies. Applications are taken from 9:00am to 11:45am Tuesday and Thursday mornings, first come and first serve.

First Presbyterian Church

Patients must call 919-833-4070 for an appointment Tuesdays starting at 9:30 until appointments are filled.

Garner Area Ministries

For residents of Garner and zip codes 27603 and 27610 needing assistance with rent, utilities or clothing. Open for intake Monday through Friday 9AM-12PM. Located at 560 Village Court Garner, NC 27529

North Raleigh Ministries

Serving individuals in the following zip codes: 27604, 27609, 27612, 27613, 27614, 27615 and 27616. Ministry is located at 9650 Strickland Road Raleigh NC 27615. Open Mon thru Thurs 10am-1pm & Mon and Thurs 1pm to 4pm. See website for required documents.

Oak City Cares Multi-Services Center

Coordinated Intake and Assessment Center/Entry Site for services for homeless individuals. Basic needs such as showers, laundry facilities, computer access, mail services and meals on the weekend cab be accessed here. Located at 1430 S. Wilmington Street Raleigh

Financial assistance for utilities and rent. You must call 919-834-6733 on Friday mornings between 8 and 9am to make an appointment.

The Islamic Center of Raleigh

Please see website for specific instructions.

Triangle Family Services

Emergency housing and eviction assistance.

Wake County Human Services - Service Intake

Energy Assistance available. Must present in person to WCHS @ 220 Swinburne Street Raleigh. It is suggested to be in line by 7:30am.

Western Wake Crisis Ministry

Serving the Apex, Holly Springs, New Hill and Friendship Communities only. Open Monday-Thursday 10AM-12:30PM for intake/eligibility at 103 East Chatham Street Apex NC.

Wake County Cornerstone Center

Offers information and referrals for homeless individuals, mental health outreach and engagement and employment counseling.  Other services include free laundry facility, shower facilities, community voicemails and temporary mailing addresses, Traveler's Aide.

Service: Food Resources

A Place at the Table

Downtown Raleigh restaurant located at 300 W. Hargett St where you may pay what you are able to afford for a table or volunteer for meals.

Patients may present to 700 Brooks Avenue, Raleigh the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month from 9am-noon. No referral required.

Catholic Parish Outreach - Food Pantry

Pt must have a referral to receive a 1 week supply of groceries. Please page WakeMed Raleigh ED SW at 919-393-5993 for referral. Patient must be resident of Wake, Franklin or Johnston County. Families are eligible once every 30 days.

Dorcas Food Pantry

Food pantry located in Cary, NC open Monday-Friday from 10am-1pm. Please see website for documentation requirements.

Fuquay Emergency Food Pantry

Willow Springs and Holly Springs residents only. Located at 216 W. Academy Street, Fuquay Varina and open Tuesdays 9am-11:45am and Thursdays 3pm-5:45pm

Garner - Food Pantry

For residents of Garner and zip codes 27603 and 27610 needing assistance with food. Open for intake Monday through Friday 9AM-12PM.

Helping Hand Mission

Referral required. Please page WakeMed Raleigh campus social worker at 919-393-5993 for paper referral. Once referral is received, patient must then call 919-829-8048 to schedule an appointment.

Islamic Center of Raleigh

The Food Pantry is open twice a month - on the first and third Saturday of every month. During the month of Ramadan the Food Pantry is open every Saturday.

North Raleigh Ministries - Food Market

Serving individuals in the following zip codes: 27604, 27609, 27612, 27613, 27614, 27615 and 27616. Ministry is loacted at 9650 Strickland Road Raleigh NC 27615. Open Mon-Thurs 10am-1pm & Mon & Thurs 1pm to 4pm. See website for required documents.

Shepherd's Table Soup Kitchen

Free hot meals Monday-Friday 11am-Noon and Saturday and Sunday 10:30am-11:15am. Evening meals daily from 6pm-7:30pm. The meal site is located at 121 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh. No referral required.

The Salvation Army

Provides food on Tue & Thurs at 1pm. Families or individuals may make appt. up to 2 weeks in advance. Assistance is limited to 25 households per day. Participants receive 1-3 bags of groceries. May receive food assistance once every 3 months.

Tri-Area Ministries

Clients must be residents of Rolesville, Wake Forest, Youngsville or surrounding areas. Food Pantry is open 8:30am-Noon on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Wake County Food Resource List

Printable list of resources/locations that can assist Wake County residents in supplementing their food needs.

Western Wake Crisis Ministry Food Pantry

Food pantry open to Apex residents only. Open Monday-Thursday 10AM-12:30PM for intake/eligibility at 103 East Chatham Street Apex NC.

With Love From Jesus

Food available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30-11:30. No referral required

Food Banks of NC

Statewide Food Pantry database.

Service: Health Clinics - Free & Reduced

Johnston County Health Clinics

Listing provided by Capital Care Collaborative of non-profit medical clinics in Johnston County.

Wake County Health Clinics

Listing of free and low cost health clinics in Wake County.

Wake County Health ClinicsListing provided by Capital Care Collaborative of non-profit medical clinics in Wake County.

Service: HIV/AIDS Resources

Alliance of Aids Services Carolina

Alliance provides HIV/STI testing, referrals to HIV/STI treatment, free condom/lube, health education and navigation to PrEP. Alliance supports People Living with HIV by operating a food pantry, providing emergency hotel/motel vouchers and referring to community resources. Our number is 919-834-2347.

Wake Co Human Services-Health Services Clinic A 

Diagnoses and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV testing and counseling, medical care and social services for people with HIV/AIDS, educational information. Located at 10 Sunnybrook Rd, Raleigh next to main WakeMed campus.

Service: Home Health Agencies

Home Health - Wake County

Listing for Home Health - Wake County

Home Health - Durham County

Listing for Home Health - Durham County

Home Health - Franklin County

Listing for Home Health - Franklin County

Home Health - Harnett County

Listing for Home Health - Harnett County

Home Health - Johnston County

Listing for Home Health - Johnston County

Service: Homeless Resources

Coordinated Entry

Coordinated Entry is a starting point to help individuals and families experiencing a housing crisis access community resources. Start by calling 919-861-1195.

Wake County Housing Resource List

A extensive listing of resources available in Wake County including places to access basic needs such as shelter, food, etc.

Service: Hospice

Durham County Hospice

Hospice Agency Listings for Durham County

Franklin County Hospice

Hospice Agency Listings for Franklin County

Harnett County Hospice

Hospice Agency Listings for Harnett County

Inpatient Hospice Facilities

List of all inpatient hospice homes in NC. Note there is nothing far west or in eastern NC.

Johnston County Hospice

Hospice Agency Listings for Johnston County

Wake County Hospice

Hospice Agency Listings for Wake County

Service: Licensed Facilities

Licensed Facilities in NC

This site contains a complete database and downloadable lists of all licensed facilities in North Carolina including adult and family care homes, home health agencies, hospitals, mental health facilities and long term care facilities.

Service: Medical Respite

Southeastern Heathcare of NC, Inc.

Southeastern Healthcare provides adult day health care, overnight respite care, home health care and psychosocial rehabilitation for seniors and disabled adults. Contact 919-212-8580.

Service: Medication Resource Information

Dorcas Ministries

Residents of Cary or Morrisville only. Patients must present for eligibility Monday-Friday 10am-1pm. Extended hours on Tuesday until 3pm. Located at 187 High House

Garner Area Ministries

For residents of Garner and zip codes 27603 and 27610 only. Open for intake Monday through Friday 9AM-12PM. Located at 560 Village Court Garner, NC 27529.

Good RX

This website allows you to enter a patients zip code and medication name. It will show the cost of the medications at different pharmacies and include any coupons that are available.

Lighthouse Foundation

This service provides limited, one time annual monetary contribution  and community resource information to low income adults with a significant health care crisis.


$4 Formulary List

Urban Ministries

Patients must present in person to 1390 Capital Blvd Raleigh Mon-Fri 9AM-1PM for intake/eligibility. Patients with private ins. and/or Medicare & need assistance w/co-payments for meds are considered on a case to case basis. Narcotic meds not filled.


$4 Formulary List

Western Wake Crisis Ministry-Meds

Serving the Apex and Holly Springs Communities only. Open Monday-Thursday 10AM-12:30PM for intake/eligibility at 103 East Chatham Street Apex NC.

Publix Pharmacy Free Medication Program

Many free medications including hypertension medications and antibiotics. Visit website to see list and take prescription to nearest Publix pharmacy for free meds.

Service: Mental Health - Outpatient & Crisis 

A Parent's Guide to Suicide Prevention

A parents guide for suicide prevention among high school and college aged students.

Alliance Health

Available 24/7 to assess mental health and substance abuse treatment needs. Residents of Wake, Johnston, and Durham Counties may call 1-800-510-9132 for outpatient referrals and treatment options.

Community Mental Health Provides for Spanish Speaking Patients

This is a printable document listing local outpatient mental health providers who accept Spanish Speaking clients.

Mental Health and Addiction Guide

Comprehensive guide that covers mental health/substance abuse disorders and when to seek treatment. It also discussess how to pay for services.


Open access appointments where a person can get an assessment and see a doctor within the same visit.  Walk in hours and locations listed on website.  Please note there will be a wait of at least one hour or more.

Suicide Prevention in College

Piedmont Behavioral Health Services

Outpatient Psychiatric Services offers DBT Groups, Individual Therapy, Substance Abuse and Partial Hospitalization for both children and adults. The Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) can be a very useful option for clients who do not need Acute Inpatient stay but need more intensive help than the outpatient care. They accept all major commercial insurances and offer same day outpatient appointments for both medication management and therapy.

Wake Crisis Services

Printable document that lists all alternatives for Wake County residents that are experiencing a mental health or substance abuse related crisis

Service: Palliative Care

Palliative Care - Chatham County

Listing for Palliative Care - Chatham County

Palliative Care - Cumberland County

Listing for Palliative Care - Cumberland County

Palliative Care - Durham County

Listing for Palliative Care - Durham County

Palliative Care - Edgecombe County

Listing for Palliative Care - Edgecombe County

Palliative Care - Franklin County

Listing for Palliative Care - Franklin County

Palliative Care - Granville County

Listing for Palliative Care - Granville County

Palliative Care - Harnett County

Listing for Palliative Care - Harnett County

Palliative Care - Johnston County

Listing for Palliative Care - Johnston County

Palliative Care - Lee County

Listing for Palliative Care - Lee County

Palliative Care - Nash County

Listing for Palliative Care - Nash County

Palliative Care - Onslow County

Listing for Palliative Care - Onslow County

Palliative Care - Sampson County

Listing for Palliative Care - Sampson County

Palliative Care - Vance County

Listing for Palliative Care - Vance County

Palliative Care - Wake County

Listing for Palliative Care - Wake County

Service: Pregnancy Termination 

Pregnancy Termination Resources

May be printed and provided to patient if requested.

Service: Senior Resources 

Center for Volunteer Caregiving

Volunteer service agency that provides transportation, respite care, phone calls, light housekeeping and yard work.

Durham Center for Senior Life

Senior/Aging services for Durham County residents

Division of Aging & Adult Services

A comprehensive website by the Division of Health and Human Services for adults, persons with disabilities, and their families that provides community-based opportunities, services, benefits, and protections

Adult Day Care Services

Resources for Seniors

Wake County residents can call 919-872-7933 for a phone intake to see what services they may be eligible for.

Resources for Seniors Total Life Centers

Adult Day Care Services

Senior CommUNITY Care

Senior Community Care of NC is a in home health program for seniors living at home in either Wake, Durham or Granville Counties who meet skilled nursing level of care but want to remain at home. 

Wake County Human Services-Senior-Adult Services

Entry portal for information regarding senior service offerings in Wake County.

Services: Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence

Durham Crisis Response Center

Agency that provides safety, support, and awareness to Durham County victims of rape/sexual assault. Website lists 24 hour crisis line and the services offered.

Families Living Violence Free Granville County

Agency that provides safety, support, and awareness to Granville County victims of rape/sexual assault. Website lists 24 hour crisis line and the services offered.

Harbor Inc Johnston County

Agency that provides safety, support, and awareness to Johnston County victims of rape/sexual assault. Website lists 24 hour crisis line and the services offered.

Interact - Solace Center of Wake County

United Way agency that provides safety, support, and awareness to Wake County victims of domestic violence and rape/sexual assault. Website lists 24 hour crisis lines and information about the Solace Center.

My Sister's House Nash County

Agency that provides safety, support, and awareness to Nash County victims of rape/sexual assault. Website lists 24 hour crisis line and the services offered.

NC Statutes for Rape & Other Sex Offenses

Listing of sexual assault laws in North Carolina

Safe of Harnett County

Agency that provides safety, support, and awareness to Harnett County victims of rape/sexual assault. Website lists 24 hour crisis line and the services offered.

Safe Space Inc of Franklin County

Agency that provides safety, support, and awareness to Franklin County victims of rape/sexual assault. Website lists 24 hour crisis line and the services offered.

Service: Skilled Nursing Facilities 

SNF Durham & Orange County

Nursing Home Listing for Durham and Orange Counties

SNF Franklin - Granville - Harnett - Johnston - Lee County

Nursing Home Listing for Franklin, Granville, Harnett, Johnston, and Lee Counties

SNF Wake County

Nursing Facility Listing for Wake County

Service: Social Services by County

Social Services

Contact information for all services offered by the Department of Social Services in that county.

WCHS Annual Resource Guide

This is a large document that contains multiple resources available to Wake Co. residents. View the table of contents to find specific resource information. Feel free to print pages relevant to the patient.

Franklin County Resource Guide

This document that contains multiple resources available to Franklin Co. residents. Feel free to print pages relevant to the patient

Johnston County Resource Guide

This is a large document that contains multiple resources available to Johnston Co. residents. View the table of contents to find specific resource information. Feel free to print pages relevant to the patient.

Service: Substance Abuse - Outpatient and Crisis

Alliance Behavioral Health Care

Call 1-800-510-9132 for referral information for any Wake, Durham, Johnston or Cumberland County resident without medical insurance.

Arbor Counseling Services- Raleigh

Arbor Counseling Services is an outpatient counseling service in Raleigh that specializes in mental health and substance abuse services.

Carter Clinic

The Carter Clinic offers substance dependence counseling and Suboxone treatment for adults, children, adolescents and families. Offices located in Raleigh, Fayetteville and Smithfield.

Carolina Community Support Services-Durham

Carolina Community Support Services serves adult, children and families struggling with substance abuse and/or mental health issues.

Cottage Healthcare is a treatment facility in Raleigh which specializes in mental health and substance abuse services. They provided outpatient and partial hospitalization/ day treatment options. Payment is accepted through self payment, Medicaid and state insurances.

Easter Seals

Open access appointments where a person can get a assessment and see a doctor within the same visit.  Walk in hours and locations listed on website.  Please note there will be a wait of at least one hour or more.  Also serves adolescents.

Fellowship Health Resources, Inc. is a non-profit organization providing services to individuals with mental illness and/or addiction disorders. They offer a substance abuse intensive outpatient program.

Facts about Drinking and Driving

This website provides information about drinking and driving laws and state limits as well as links to support networks for substance abuse and DUI.

First Step Services, LLC

First Step Provides alcohol and drug abuse assessments, counseling, intensive outpatient and DWI services for adults and adolescents. They have office locations in Raleigh, Durham, Cary and Garner.

Full Life Counseling and Recovery

Local counseling agency that serves middle income families and offers substance abuse "pre treatment" assessments, individual and family counseling and recovery groups.

Hope Services

Open access appointments where a person can get a assessment and see a doctor within the same visit.  Walk in hours and locations listed on website.  Please note there will be a wait of at least one hour or more.  Also serves adolescents.

Johnston Counseling Services

Johnston Counseling provides alcohol and drug abuse assessments and counseling for adults in Johnston County. They have office locations in Clayton and Smithfield.

MyLife Recovery Centers

MyLife offers alcohol and opiate treatment and recovery.

Mobile Crisis Services - All NC Counties

Anyone may request crisis or emergency services in North Carolina for mental health, substance abuse, and intellectual/developmental disabilities issues.  Please visit this

NC Recovery Support Services

NC Recovery Support Services offers multiple different outpatient addiction treatment options, mental health services and counseling. They have offices located in Raleigh and Clayton.

Raleigh Methadone Treatment Center

Offers outpatient drug treatment, individualized detoxification, counseling and methadone maintenance. Located off Oak Park Road in Raleigh.

Open access appointments where a person can get a assessment and see a doctor within the same visit.  Walk in hours and locations listed on website.  Please note there will be a wait of at least one hour or more.

The Recovery Village

Lists substance abuse resources available in Raleigh.

Turning Point Family Care

Walk In Appointments 9:00-3:00 Monday and Wednesdays.  Call 919-724-4322 to schedule an appointment.  Spanish speaking providers available.

Service: Transportation Resources

GoRaleigh Access

Application for reduced fee public transportation for disabled persons.

Service: Veteran’s Resources

Military One Source

One stop webpage for services and resources for active military.  Free, confidential, non medical counseling. Also offers many specialty services for active military and family including health and wellness, financial and legal services.

Raleigh VA Primary Care Clinic

Located at 23 Sunnybrook Road, Raleigh. To be seen at the clinic, the veteran needs to register at the VA Medical Center, they will then be assigned to the clinic. They do not see "walk ins".

Raleigh VA Mental Health Services Clinic

Located at 23 Sunnybrook Road, Raleigh. To be seen at the clinic, the veteran needs to register at the VA Medical Center, then they will be assigned to the clinic.

VA Medical Center- Durham

Hospital located at 508 West Fulton St. Durham NC Contact number 919-286-0411 or 1-888-878-6890. Contact number for the social services department is 919-286-6974.

Healthcare for the Homeless Veterans Program

To be eligible for this service the veteran must have been honorably discharged and have a DD-214 service discharge. This program provides outreach social work services including access to healthcare, mental health and substance abuse treatment, transitional housing, shelter, food and employment programs in Raleigh and Durham.

VA Homeless Program Outpatient Clinic-Raleigh

This program facilitates access to healthcare, mental health and substance abuse treatment, transitional housing, shelter, food, transportation and employment programs in Raleigh. The clinic is located at 3305 Sungate Blvd, Raleigh and is open 8-12 on Fridays by appointment only. Call J. Tyler at 919-286-0411 ext 2162 for an appointment.

Veterans Crisis Line

Emergency line if a veteran is having thoughts of harming themselves or others.

Passage Homes

Contact information for Veteran's Housing and Support Services.

NC4VETS Resource Guide

All-inclusive resource guide for veterans, survivors and their dependents living in NC.

Volunteers of America - Veteran's Housing and Support Center

Service agency for homeless veteran's that aides in obtaining affordable housing and locating employment.  Raleigh office is located at 2321 Crabtree Blvd Ste220 Raleigh NC 27601 # 919-831-9042