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NOTICE: Effective 10/10/2024

There is a temporary back order of RST (Orange Top) Serum Separator Tubes. SoftID labels have been updated to reflect the use of either Lithium Heparin (Green Top) Plasma Separator Tubes or SST (Gold Top) Serum Tubes. Please use the tube that is on the label. RST Tubes will not be rejected. 

Displaying 991 - 1000 of 1042
Title SoftLab Order Code Epic Order ID Collection Container
Urine Protein/Creatinine ratio URPC LAB3630

Clear top urine tube

urine tube

Urine Uric Acid Random UUAR LAB3025

Clear top urine tube

Clear top urine tube

Ustekinumab Quantitation with Antibodies, Serum, Mayo, RefLab USTEK LAB3968

SST -(Gold Top Serum Separator Tube)

Vaginosis/Vaginitis (BV, Candida, Trich) by PCR BDVAG LAB3738

Preferred: Green BD Max Swab

Green BD Max Swab

Valproic Acid VALPR LAB24

RST (Orange top - Rapid Serum Tube)

Orange top

Vancomycin Peak VANP LAB41

RST (Orange top - Rapid Serum Tube)

Orange top

Vancomycin Random VANR LAB40

RST (Orange top - Rapid Serum Tube)

Orange top

Vancomycin Trough VANT LAB39

RST (Orange top - Rapid Serum Tube)

Orange top

Vanillylmandelic Acid, 24 Hour Urine, Ref Lab VMA LAB452

Urine - 24 hour container - No Preservative (preferred), or acidic preservative 

Vanillylmandelic Acid, random urine, Ref Lab VMAUR LAB750

sterile container