Deborah Constantine, PT, DPT, GCS, CEEAA, GTCCS
Physical Therapy
accepting new patients
Outpatient Rehabilitation - Clayton
104 Medspring Drive
Suite 200
, NC 27520
About Me
Deborah is a highly experienced physical therapist who specializes in treating older adults with physical issues and limitations due to age, surgery, stroke, orthopedic conditions, arthritis, and balance issues. She is dedicated to helping older adults obtain optimal aging and restore their physical function. She offers balance assessments and fall prevention strategies and studies new ways to lower the risk of falls among older adults.
Deborah earned her bachelor’s degree at the University of Maryland, her master’s degree at University of Indianapolis and her doctorate degree at UNC. Deborah believes she gains more from the patients she treats than they do from her! She considers it a privilege to interact with the people whose care she manages and a true joy to see her patients accomplish what were previously insurmountable goals when they began their physical therapy.
Board-certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist, Geriatrics Credentialed Balance and Fall Prevention Professional,?Exercise Expert for Aging Adults, Geriatric ?Trained and Certified?Clinical Specialist
Physical Therapy, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Physical Therapy, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
Physical Therapy, University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN