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The results of COVID-19 tests performed at WakeMed facilities and practices will be released to your MyChart account as soon as they are available. If you are not signed up for MyChart then please visit our MyChart page or download MyChart from the app store on your device.

If you have shared your Primary Care Provider’s (PCP) information with us, we will send them a copy of your test results. If you do not have a PCP, you may call 919-350-9100 to schedule with a WakeMed PCP or visit our primary care website. Please contact your primary care provider if you need assistance with documentation for your employer including a work note. The WakeMed COVID-19 testing sites are unable to provide work notes.

The FAQ’s below will help you to understand your test results. If you have any other questions after you have reviewed this information, please contact your PCP or review the North Carolina COVID-19 testing packet or visit the CDC website.  

If you or your child was tested before surgery or a procedure:

NEGATIVE test results

  • Your surgeon has access to your test results and will be in contact with you to confirm your procedure date and time.
  • Please continue to practice community-based restrictions in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19; more information is available on the CDC website
  • If you have new symptoms of fever, cough or shortness of breath, go to your WakeMed MyChart account and click on "Appointments" at the top of your screen. Then, click on "COVID-19 Screening Test" and answer the questions. You can also use our WakeMed Virtual Urgent Care (on the WakeMed App) to connect with a provider virtually, or contact your primary care provider's office by phone or through MyChart for further instructions. Please also notify your surgeon's office of any new symptoms.
  • For a significant change in symptoms and/or severe symptoms, please call EMS for transport to the Emergency Department of your choice for evaluation and emergent treatment.

POSITIVE test results

  • Please call your surgeon's office and notify them of your test result to receive instructions on what to do about your upcoming procedure. 
  • Please continue to remain in isolation away from the public. Please also try to self-isolate from family members in your home or wear a mask and keep 6 feet away whenever possible. Learn more about home isolation.
  • Caregivers and other close contacts* can be evaluated for possible COVID-19. Please have them go to their WakeMed MyChart account, click "Appointments" at the top of the screen and then click on "COVID-19 Screening Test" and answer the questions. They can also contact their primary care provider for assistance. Caregivers and other close contacts should quarantine from the public and may need to remain in quarantine for 14 days after the end of your own self-isolation period. Learn more about quarantine.
  • At this time most patients who test positive for COVID-19 should not be retested unless they develop new symptoms or new exposures. If you complete the initial isolation period for COVID-19 and then test positive again you must resume home isolation, and your household should remain in quarantine, until advised otherwise by the health department.
  • The state's health department will be notified of your results and may reach out to you with additional instructions and to discuss tracing your contacts since the time you developed symptoms. They will reach out to you. You do not need to call them.
  • If you develop any worsening of your respiratory symptoms that you feel needs medical evaluation, please use our WakeMed Virtual Urgent Care (on the WakeMed App) to connect with a provider virtually or contact your primary care provider's office by phone or through MyChart for further instructions.
  • For a significant change in symptoms and/or severe symptoms, please call EMS for transport to the Emergency Department of your choice for evaluation and emergent treatment. Please notify the EMS dispatch when you call or the hospital prior to coming into the ED by personal vehicle that you have tested positive for COVID-19. This will ensure they are ready for you with all necessary equipment to keep you and others safe.
  • Your primary care physician can help guide you as to when you can return to work or school after a positive test and are considered “recovered” from COVID-19.
    • If you have had any symptoms, then the current guidance is that you need to be:
      • at least 10 days since symptom onset, AND
      • at least 24 hours after your last fever, without the use of fever-reducing medication, AND
      • at least 24 hours after improvement in respiratory symptoms
    • If you did not have symptoms at the time of your positive test and if you have not developed symptoms, then the current guidance is that you need to be at least 10 days since the date of your positive test.
  • If you have any other concerns about your positive test result, please contact your PCP.
  • Please find this and more information on the CDC website.  

* Close Contact: defined as any individual who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated without use of appropriate medical-grade personal protective equipment.

If you were tested because you were exposed to COVID-19 and were not displaying symptoms at the time of testing: 

NEGATIVE test results

  • Depending on the timing of your exposure compared to the timing of your test, you may still be infected with coronavirus even if your test was negative. You should self-quarantine for 14 days from the time of your last exposure to the person with COVID-19. Your PCP can help guide you as to when you can resume your normal activities, including return to work. If you are a WakeMed employee, follow WakeMed Occupational Health guidance regarding returning to work after possible exposure.
  • Please continue to practice community-based restrictions in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19; more information is available on the CDC website
  • If you develop symptoms of fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, or loss of taste/smell, please go to your WakeMed MyChart account, click "Appointments" at the top of the screen and then click on "COVID-19 Screening Test" and answer the questions. You can also use our WakeMed Virtual Urgent Care (on the WakeMed App) to connect with a provider virtually, or contact your primary care provider's office by phone or through MyChart for further instructions, including a discussion about if you should be re-tested.
  • For a significant change in symptoms and/or severe symptoms, please call EMS for transport to the Emergency Department of your choice for evaluation and emergent treatment.

POSITIVE test results

  • Please continue to remain in isolation away from the public. Please also try to self-isolate from family members in your home or wear a mask and keep 6 feet away whenever possible. Learn more about home isolation.
  • Caregivers and other close contacts* can be evaluated for possible COVID-19.Please have them go to their WakeMed MyChart account, click "Appointments" at the top of the screen and then click on "COVID-19 Screening Test" and answer the questions. They can also contact their primary care provider for assistance. Caregivers and other close contacts should quarantine from the public and may need to remain in quarantine for 14 days after the end of your own self-isolation period. Learn more about quarantine.
  • At this time most patients who test positive for COVID-19 should not be retested unless they develop new symptoms or new exposures. If you complete the initial isolation period for COVID-19 and then test positive again you must resume home isolation, and your household should remain in quarantine, until advised otherwise by the health department.
  • The state's health department will be notified of your results and may reach out to you with additional instructions and to discuss tracing your contacts since the time you developed symptoms. They will reach out to you. You do not need to call them.
  • If you develop any worsening of your respiratory symptoms that you feel needs medical evaluation, please use our WakeMed Virtual Urgent Care (on the WakeMed App) to connect with a provider virtually or contact your primary care provider's office by phone or through MyChart for further instructions.
  • For a significant change in symptoms and/or severe symptoms, please call EMS for transport to the Emergency Department of your choice for evaluation and emergent treatment. Please notify the EMS dispatch when you call or the hospital prior to coming into the ED by personal vehicle that you have tested positive for Covid-19. This will ensure they are ready for you with all necessary equipment to keep you safe.
  • Your primary care physician can help guide you as to when you can return to work after a positive test and are considered “recovered” from Covid-19.
    • If you have had any symptoms, then the current guidance is that you need to be:
      • at least 10 days since symptom onset, AND
      • at least 24 hours after your last fever, without the use of fever-reducing medication, AND
      • at least 24 hours after improvement in respiratory symptoms
  • If you did not have symptoms at the time of your positive test and if you have not developed symptoms, then the current guidance is that you need to be at least 10 days since the date of your positive test.
  • If you have any other concerns about your positive test result, please contact your PCP.
  • Please find this and more information on the CDC website.  

* Close Contact: defined as any individual who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated without use of appropriate medical-grade personal protective equipment.

If you were tested for any other reason:

NEGATIVE test results

  • If you tested negative, you are no longer considered a “person under investigation” (PUI) for COVID-19. However, if you are still having symptoms of any illness, please contact your PCP for guidance as to when you can resume your normal activities, including returning to work. 
  • Please continue to practice community-based restrictions in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19; more information is available on the CDC website
  • If you have new or returning symptoms of fever, cough or shortness of breath, please go to your WakeMed MyChart account, click "Appointments" at the top of the screen and then click on "COVID-19 Screening Test" and answer the questions. You can also use our WakeMed Virtual Urgent Care (on the WakeMed App) to connect with a provider virtually, or contact your primary care provider's office by phone or through MyChart for further instructions.
  • For a significant change in symptoms and/or severe symptoms, please call EMS for transport to the Emergency Department of your choice for evaluation and emergent treatment.

POSITIVE test results

  • Please continue to remain in isolation away from the public. Please also try to self-isolate from family members in your home or wear a mask and keep 6 feet away whenever possible. Learn more about home isolation.
  • Caregivers and other close contacts* can be evaluated for possible COVID-19. Please have them go to their WakeMed MyChart account, click "Appointments" at the top of the screen and then click on "COVID-19 Screening Test" and answer the questions. Caregivers and other close contacts should quarantine from the public and may need to remain in quarantine for 14 days after the end of your own self-isolation period. Learn more about quarantine.
  • At this time most patients who test positive for COVID-19 should not be retested unless they develop new symptoms or new exposures. If you complete the initial isolation period for COVID-19 and then test positive again you must resume home isolation, and your household should remain in quarantine, until advised otherwise by the health department.
  • The state's health department will be notified of your results and may reach out to you with additional instructions and to discuss tracing your contacts since the time you developed symptoms. They will reach out to you. You do not need to call them.
  • If you develop any worsening of your respiratory symptoms that you feel needs medical evaluation, please use our WakeMed Virtual Urgent Care (on the WakeMed App) to connect with a provider virtually or contact your primary care provider's office by phone or through MyChart for further instructions.
  • For a significant change in symptoms and/or severe symptoms, please call EMS for transport to the Emergency Department of your choice for evaluation and emergent treatment. Please notify the EMS dispatch when you call or the hospital prior to coming into the ED by personal vehicle that you have tested positive for COVID-19. This will ensure they are ready for you with all necessary equipment to keep you and others safe.
  • Your primary care physician can help guide you as to when you can return to work after a positive test and are considered “recovered” from COVID-19.
    • If you have had any symptoms, then the current guidance is that you need to be:
      • at least 10 days since symptom onset, AND
      • at least 24 hours after your last fever, without the use of fever-reducing medication, AND
      • at least 24 hours after improvement in respiratory symptoms
  • If you did not have symptoms at the time of your positive test and if you have not developed symptoms, then the current guidance is that you need to be at least 10 days since the date of your positive test.
  • If you have any other concerns about your positive test result, please contact your PCP.
  • Please find this and more information on the CDC website.  

* Close Contact: defined as any individual who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated without use of appropriate medical-grade personal protective equipment.