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Capital Regional Advisory Committee (CapRAC)

EMSstretcherWeb257.jpgWelcome to the Capital Regional Advisory Committee (CapRAC) web site. This site houses information about the CapRAC, as well as other opportunities that can benefit our partners and customers.

The Capital RAC mission is to participate in development and maintenance of a coordinated system to promote optimal patient care and disaster response for all citizens within the Capital RAC area. The CapRAC represents health care agencies in Franklin, Harnett, Johnston, Lee and Wake counties.

The goal of the Capital RAC shall be to facilitate the development, implementation, and operation of a comprehensive regional patient care system based on accepted standards of care in order to decrease morbidity and mortality resulting from illness and injury.

Capital RAC will solicit participation from health care facilities, organizations, entities and professional societies involved in health care, as well as community representatives within the Capital RAC area. The Capital RAC will encourage multi-community participation in providing patient care, work to promote the improvement of facilities and services, and cooperate with all member entities, agencies and organizations in the establishment of an efficient system of care for all patients. The Capital RAC will collaborate with local, regional and state agencies in preparation for and response to a disaster event and community health care needs.

CapRAC Subcommittees

In order to carry out is mission to improve trauma care and disaster preparedness & response, the CapRAC has established four subcommittees. These subcommittees meet as needed to accomplish their tasks and goals. These committees address the following:

  • Injury Prevention
  • Disaster Preparedness
  • Prehospital (EMS)
  • Performance Improvement / Education