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“You do for family.” That’s a rule Polly Shreve lives by.

WakeMed Stroke Program

Each year, thousands of families in our community are impacted by stroke — a brain attack that can occur at any age.

At WakeMed, we offer a full continuum of compassionate, innovative stroke care — from diagnosis in our emergency departments to rehabilitation in both our award-winning inpatient and outpatient facilities.

As leaders in stroke care, we also collaborate with less capable hospitals through our Telestroke Program to ensure that patients in various regions of the state receive the timely support required to recover from stroke.

WakeMed Raleigh Campus and Cary Hospital received the Joint Commission Gold Seal of Approval for Stroke Care.

Our Stroke Program is distinct in providing a comprehensive approach, moving from prevention to management. Our dedicated team of specialists, renowned for their expertise, use physical medicine and rehabilitative techniques at strategic steps along the route to recovery to support the best outcomes.

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WakeMed Health & Hospitals