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Manage Diabetes in Ways that Fit YOUR Life

  • Did you know? We have personalized services to help you:
    • Set and track your health goals.
    • Learn how to use knowledge, skills and tools to manage diabetes.
    • Practice how to fit diabetes care into all parts of your life.
    • Find ways to get support when you need it.

Services & Classes


  • Cary Hospital
  • North Hospital
  • Raleigh Campus 

An ADA-Recognized Quality Diabetes Education Program, certified with the American Diabetes Association for outpatient self-management diabetes education, we follow national standards. 

FAQs about Diabetes

We've included some questions and answers we often hear about managing diabetes. 

About Blood Sugar

Blood sugar, the concentration of glucose in the blood, will change based on what you ate in the past several hours and the efficiency of your body to process that food.

How Blood Sugar is Measured

Blood sugar is most commonly measured with a simple finger prick and a glucose monitor. When the sample is taken — following an overnight fast, before a meal or two hours after a meal — will determine the ideal ranges for blood sugar levels.

Normal Blood Sugar

For a fasting blood sugar:

  • The ideal result is under 100 mg/dL.
  • A reading between 100 and 125 mg/dL indicates pre-diabetes.
  • A reading of 126 mg/dL or greater is an indicator of diabetes.

Most people with mild to moderate elevation of blood sugar have no symptoms. It’s once you have significantly elevated blood sugar that you start to notice symptoms.

The following are classic symptoms of uncontrolled diabetes:

  • Increased urination (both frequency and volume)
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased appetite

If your blood sugar gets very high, you can experience the following:

  • Dehydration
  • Acute illness
  • Nausea and vomiting

How to Control Blood Sugar

The first step is to know what your blood sugar levels are at various times throughout the day. And since high blood sugar doesn’t cause symptoms the majority of the time, the only way you can know your levels is to monitor them, usually just before and two hours after meals to give you a good idea of how high your blood sugar is following food or beverage intake.

The first way to reduce elevated blood sugar is to get regular exercise, lose weight and maintain weight loss, and control your carbohydrate intake at meals.

If these lifestyle changes don’t do the trick, the next step is oral medications. If or when you are no longer able to control your blood sugar with oral medications, then you’ll need to move to insulin.

Parts of the body affected by diabetes

Uncontrolled high blood sugar or diabetes can affect nearly every organ in your body, including your eyes, kidneys, nerves, the heart and blood vessels.

In fact, people with diabetes are two times more likely to have heart disease or strokes when compared to people who do not have diabetes. 

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WakeMed Cary Hospital

WakeMed Raleigh Campus

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