Peer Support & Trauma Recovery
What is peer support and peer visitation?
A “peer” is a person who shares similar lived experiences of trauma and injury with you and has recovered from their physical injury.
Peer support is any interaction between people who share these similar experiences — such as 1-on-1 visitation or peer support groups — that is meant to promote connection, understanding, acceptance and hope.
Peer visitors are volunteers.
At WakeMed, we often call our peer visitors “trauma survivors” and are trained by the Trauma Survivors Network.
What do peer visitors do?
Peer visitors, or trauma survivors, provide non-clinical support, help answer your questions and address your concerns from the perspective of someone who has “been there” too.
They are here to listen.
Peer visitors may visit with you in person while you are in the hospital or rehabilitation, or connect with you over the phone, or after you leave the hospital in the form of support groups.
What are the benefits of peer support?
You may:
- Get answers to your questions from the perspective of someone who has lived through a similar traumatic experience.
- Learn practical tips about recovery and how to move forward.
- Receive encouragement and support.
- Feel less anxious and alone.
- Learn new skills for coping and become more confident.