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What to Expect

Before Your First Appointment

To provide us with more information about your symptoms, please complete the questionnaires below to include contact information, diagnosis and AFib history. This information can be filled in online, but you will need to print and bring the completed forms with you for your first appointment.

Brief Patient Health Questionnaire

Sleep Disorders Stop Bang Questionnaire

Your First Appointment

At your first appointment, you will spend about one hour with our AFib Center team where we will go through your questionnaire responses, learn more about your symptoms experienced and discuss treatment options to consider. If you do not have a cardiologist or an electrophysiologist, we can help you get established with one.

We will also coordinate any follow-up appointments with supporting WakeMed programs such as our Sleep Medicine practice, Quit With WakeMed tobacco cessation program or other resources we believe will be of help to you.

Education Resources

As a WakeMed patient, we are with you every step of the way. We encourage you to explore these resources at your convenience.