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Infant Security

Your baby's safety is our highest priority at the Women's Pavilion & Birthplace. You can take an active part in protecting your baby by following these important steps: 

1. Do not remove the identification bracelets given to you, your support person or your baby.

  • Each time your baby is brought to you, make sure that your bracelet numbers match your baby’s bracelet numbers.
  • Everyone issued a bracelet should leave it on until the baby is discharged. If a bracelet is lost or damaged, notify a nurse immediately.
  • If your baby is not discharged with you, please do not remove your ID bracelet until your baby is discharged. Proper ID may be required for security reasons.

2. Check for proper identification before giving your baby to anyone.

  • Anyone asking for your baby should have an identification badge with a pink background that says “Women’s Pavilion & Birthplace.” If someone without proper identification asks you for your baby, refuse and notify a nurse immediately.
  • Other WakeMed staff who may come into your room include housekeeping, dietary and laboratory personnel. Occasionally, volunteers may come in to deliver flowers or mail, or to take your baby’s picture. All hospital personnel, including volunteers, will have a badge with his/her photo and name.
  • If you have any reservation about your healthcare staff, even if they are wearing an ID badge, call your nurse.

3. Keep your baby safe.

  • Do not go to sleep with your baby in your hospital bed.
  • Please do not carry your baby in your arms outside of your room. If you want to go for a walk, place your baby in the crib and take him/her with you.
  • Do not leave the Women’s Pavilion & Birthplace area.

Electronic Security System 
A security tag will be attached to your baby's leg. These security tags are for the protection and safety of your baby and will alert us if there is any tampering with the tag or if your baby comes close to the elevators or exit doors. Do not remove or tamper with this tag. For protection, a security officer is stationed in the department at all times.