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Two-Factor Authentication Now Required For Remote Access

All employees who remotely access WakeMed email or the WakeMed network using Citrix or VPN are required to enroll in Duo Security. This two-factor authentication process enhances the security of your account and our network by using a secondary device to verify your identity, preventing unauthorized access to the WakeMed network even if a hacker knows your login and password.

Enrolling in Duo Security is easy, will take approximately two minutes and must be completed while you are logged into the WakeMed network in a WakeMed facility.  If you never visit a WakeMed facility, please contact the Information Services Help Desk by calling 919-350-8700.

Password Reset 
Reset your password or unlock your account easily from the self-service password reset website: https://changemypassword.wakemed.org. DUO authentication is required to access from outside the WakeMed network. Note, if you are not connected to a WakeMed network, additional security questions must be answered after confirming the DUO prompt.

Web Mail 
If you need to access your e-mail, calendar or contacts, the quickest way to do so from any device is to use Web Mail. Simply go to https://outlook.office.com and enter your WakeMed credentials. Once the two-Factor authentication is completed you will have full access to your emails. 

Launch Web Mail

Remote Access - Preparation & Options

We encourage all employees to prepare for the possibility of having to work from home before you actually need to do so. If you don’t typically work from home, testing equipment and solutions early will give everyone more time to resolve issues.

WakeMed offers several options for accessing our network and resources from home. Please see below for details about each available option:

remote access table


Office 365 Remote Access: Preferred Method

Many features of Office 365 are available from any Internet-connected device. If most of your data has been migrated to SharePoint Online and OneDrive, this might be all you need to get most of your work done. This include access to e-mails, and web-based versions of Word and Excel.

Pre-requisites: Duo account, Internet connection, PC (Windows/Mac) or tablet (limited functionalit

Follow these instructions to get started


Remote Desktop to Your Own PC: Second Best Method

This the best option for people who have their own dedicated PC at WakeMed. This will give you the same desktop you are used to every day, with all the applications, and at similar speeds.

Prerequisites: Dedicated WakeMed PC (turned on and connected), the workstation name of your PC, Duo account, home PC (Windows, Mac), Internet connection.

Follow these instructions to get started


Always On VPN: Least Preferred

Always On VPN automatically connects WakeMed laptops to our network, giving you full access to all our applications as if at a physical WakeMed location.

Prerequisites: WakeMed Windows laptop, Internet connection

If you have a Windows laptop that was issued by WakeMed, you most likely already have this available. All you need to do is connect your WakeMed laptop to the Internet, e.g. by joining a wireless network. Typically, no further actions are needed, but if you need to verify whether you have Always On VPN installed follow these steps

Follow these instructions to get started

We hope that Remote Access will make it easier for you and your staff to gain access to important patient information and thereby improve the quality of care we can deliver together.  Thank you for your continued commitment to WakeMed Health & Hospitals.

Each staff member who needs access should fill out a  Remote Access User Agreement

If you want personal assistance with Remote Access installation, please contact WakeMed Physician Development at 350-8004 or the Information Services Help Desk at 350-8700.