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How to Access the WakeMed Amputee Programs

WakeMed Rehabilitation Admissions 

A physician, hospital discharge planner/case manager, social worker, prosthetist, or insurance company case manager can request an Admissions Evaluation for WakeMed Rehabilitation Hospital. Once a referral is received in the WakeMed Rehab Admissions Department, a designated Admissions Representitive, will work with your physician, case manager, social workers, and other care providers to determine the right level of rehabilitative care that you will need and benefit from. WakeMed offers coordinated care from your initial surgery through your return to your highest level of indepenedence. Please call 919-350-7876 to learn more about our programs and to begin the referral process.

StepForward Prosthesis Training Program 

Patients who have received their prosthesis and are ready to move forward can ask their doctor for a referral to StepForward You will be evaluated and the best level of care will be recommended. That might be inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab or in your home. WakeMed works closely with you prosthetist to ensure a proper fit and proper use of your new prosthesis.

Phone: 919-350-7876 
Fax: 919-350-8791

WakeMed Rehabilitation Outpatient Services 

Provided at WakeMed Outpatient rehab centers throughout Wake County and in Clayton, outpatient rehab therapy services includes specialized treatments and services utilizing the most state of the art adaptive-fitness equipment in the area. Additionally, outpatient services for those individuals experiencing amputation include physical therapy, occupational therapy and prosthetics & orthotics services. Access to any of WakeMed rehab’s Outpatient rehab program can be completed by obtaining a physician’s order for specialized outpatient rehab therapies. Outpatient patient account representative will help you find the right service and location. 

Phone: 919-350-7422 
Fax: 919-350-4191

WakeMed Home Health Services 

Patients who are no longer in need of being in a hospital setting, may be able to go home independently or with assistance from family or loved ones, but may still require additional on-going rehabilitative therapies. For those patients who require a home-based therapy program, WakeMed Home Health may be able to provide just the right level of care and rehab therapy they need. WakeMed Home Health offers in-home intermittent skilled nursing care, nurse aide services, and physical, occupational and speech therapy. However, if you do need and qualify for home health services patients are welcome to work with the home health provider of their choice.

Phone: 919-350-7990 
Fax: 919-350-0111