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dad visiting wife and newborn baby in the hospitalWomen's Pavilion & Birthplace 
Visitation is always at the patient's discretion during the childbirth experience. Dad and/or a support person may be with expectant and new moms at any time during their stay. General visiting hours are 11 am to 8 pm daily. Two visitors and your support person are allowed in the room during the labor experience, and four visitors are allowed in the room after delivery. Caesarean birth visitation is limited to one support person with the approval of the patient, physician and anesthesiologist. Children who are siblings of the newborn may visit with the permission of the charge nurse. And, of course, we ask that all visitors be healthy and respectful of patients' wishes.

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 
Visitation in our ICU is flexible and depends on the patient's condition and status of the unit. ICU visitation is limited during hospital quiet hours and shift report. Patients often have special needs related to visiting hours, and they are welcome to discuss them with their nurse. A member of the clergy may visit any time at the request of patients. 

Peace & Quiet 
In keeping with our efforts to create the optimal healing environment, quiet hours are in effect every day from 8 pm to 7 am. During quiet hours, we reduce noise levels and dim overhead lighting. The overhead paging system is used only in emergencies. Please note that the Intensive Care Unit and Medical Surgical Intermediate Care have quiet hours from 1:30 to 3:30 am and 1:30 to 3:30 pm daily.  Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your environment more relaxing.

Family Bonding Time 
WakeMed Cary Hospital Women’s Pavilion and Birthing Center offers quiet time for families to bond each day.

This designated bonding time offers many benefits to new families:

  • Facilitates uninterrupted bonding time with new parents and their newborns
  • Encourages rest for new moms recovering after delivery
  • Improves patient and family satisfaction related to their WakeMed hospital experience

During Family Bonding Time, WakeMed staff dim the lights and decreases noise daily between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. in the Women’s Pavilion. They also decrease interruptions from staff unless new mothers request help or assistance. Visitors are asked to wait in the waiting room unless the new mother is expecting them.

Overnight Visitors 
Overnight visitors are allowed to stay in the patient's room with the supervising nurse's approval. We encourage parents of pediatric patients to spend the night with their child. A limited number of roll-away beds are available. See a list of hotels and motels near WakeMed Cary Hospital. 


Well-wishers can submit a Patient Greeting Card by filling out and submitting an electronic message form. The message is sent to WakeMed Cary Hospital Volunteer Services, where a staff member prints it on custom stationery and delivers the message to the patient. Email messages are delivered Monday through Friday during regular business hours, along with postal mail and flowers.

Language interpreters are available 24 hours a day and can be accessed through the patient's nurse.