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Welcome to the WakeMed Rehabilitation Hospital

The WakeMed Rehabilitation team of accomplished professionals specialize in treating adults and children who have experienced a stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury, orthopaedic issue, trauma, or limb loss through CARF-accredited programs. They share your goal: to regain as much independence and mobility as possible. They use the latest rehab techniques and technology and educate both patients and their family members to restore quality of life. Our medical directors also maintain lifelong relationships with patients to ensure their needs are met as they age. The WakeMed Rehabilitation Hospital, a 98-bed nationally recognized rehabilitation hospital, is located in Raleigh, NC and serves patients throughout the southeastern United States. Please call us at 919-350-7876 to speak with an Admissions representative or to schedule a tour.

Specialty Programs for Adults & Children:



Patient & Family Information



For more information about services offered through WakeMed Rehab, please call 919-350-7876