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Pet Program Volunteering

Dogs in our pet program are a welcomed distraction to help reduce anxiety for our patients, family members, visitors and staff. Dog Teams add a personal, caring touch to WakeMed’s high-tech health care capabilities. Our volunteer pet teams truly make a difference by promoting a happy, healthy emotional outlook to all they encounter along their visitation route and help to improve the overall hospital experience.  

Pet volunteers

Benefits of Animal Assistance Visitations

  • Helps minimize the stress of the hospital environment
  • Reduces anxiety and enhanced coping skills by providing a distraction from illness and hospitalization
  • Increases normalization of the hospital experience by making it more "home-like"

Would My Dog Make a Good Volunteer for Patient/Staff Visitation?  

Not all dogs have the capability to be therapy dogs. Just as humans are not the same, dogs have different temperaments and natures. Some are very social; whereas others have a reserved nature and are comfortable only around their owners. The nature and temperament of the dog and the way the handler and dog communicate are key features in therapy dogs. WakeMed prefers that dog teams are certified through a registered pet therapy organization to determine if the dog has the right temperament for hospital visitations.  

Pet Program Requirements

The Pet Program uses certified therapy dog teams to make short, in-room visits to consenting patients.  

Dog Team Requirements

  1. Dog owner/handlers must be at least 18 years old and meet the requirements of Adult Volunteer.
  2. Dogs must be at least 1 year of age. 
  3. Dog teams must commit to volunteering weekly.
  4. Dogs with previous bite history or known aggressive behaviors will not be permitted to participate. This is due to the financial and patient safety risks. 
  5. Dogs that eat a raw diet are prone to contracting salmonella and will not be cleared to participate in the WakeMed Pet Program.
  6. A Fecal and Culture Screening must be submitted annually.
  7. Vaccinations for Distemper, Parvovirus and Rabies administered by a Veterinarian must be submitted annually.
  8. Liability coverage of $1-3 million is required. It is recommended that Dog Teams visiting facilities outside of WakeMed should maintain at least $5 million in coverage.
  9. Certified Therapy dogs need to provide proof of a Behavioral Examination conducted by a Therapy Organization submitted annually. Membership within one of the approved therapy organizations are listed below:

Next Step

If you are interested in you and your dog volunteering, the dog owner can complete an Adult Volunteer Application at the location of your interest and select “Hospitality Pet Program” under Assignment Preference.