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Welcome to WakeMed Infectious Diseases - Raleigh

At Infectious Diseases - Raleigh, we assist referring physicians in the management of acute and chronic infectious diseases. Our specialists work with your personal physician to determine which diagnostic tests are appropriate. If treatment is necessary, your doctor and our team will work together to develop a treatment plan best suited to your needs.

We accept new patients only upon referral from another medical provider.

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Infectious Disease Specialists see patients to determine whether their symptoms are due to an infection. The specialized training and diagnostic tools of the Infectious Disease Specialist can help determine the cause of an infection and the best approach to treatment.

Certification as an Infectious Diseases Speclialist requires years of Education & Training:

  • 4 years of medical school
  • 3 years training as a doctor of internal medicine
  • 2-3 years specialized training in infectious diseases

Most specialists who treat patients are board certified. They have passed a difficult certification examination by the American Board of Internal Medicine in both internal medicine and infectious diseases.

Many common infections can be treated by your personal physician. Your doctor might refer you to an Infectious Disease Specialist in cases where an infection is difficult to diagnose, is accompanied by a high fever, or does not respond to treatment.

Typical Procedures

Infectious Disease Specialists review your medical data, including X-rays and laboratory reports such as blood work and culture data. They also may perform a physical exam to help determine the cause of the problem.


Infectious Disease Specialists often order laboratory tests to examine samples of blood or other body fluids or cultures from wounds. A blood serum analysis can help the Infectious Disease Specialist detect antibodies that indicate what type of infection you have. These advanced tests can further explain the results of earlier tests, helping to pinpoint the problem.


Treatments consist of medicines—usually antibiotics—to help battle the infection and prevent it from returning. These medicines may be given to you orally (in the form of pills or liquids) or administered directly into your veins, via an intravenous (IV) catheter.

The Infectious Disease Specialist works with your personal physician to determine which diagnostic tests are appropriate. If treatment is necessary, your doctor and the Infectious Disease Specialist will work together to develop a treatment plan best suited to your needs. Often you will be asked to return to the Infectious Disease Specialist for a follow-up visit. This allows the specialist to check on your progress, confirm that the infection is gone and help prevent it from coming back.

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