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Nutrition Counseling & Classes

Nutrition Counseling

WakeMed’s Registered Dietitians provide individual consultations or group nutrition classes (in person or virtual) to meet the needs and interests of your employees. Our dietitians specialize in disease prevention and developing healthy eating habits. Some nutrition counseling sessions may be billed to insurance. Appointments are approximately one hour and are scheduled at convenient times for your employees.

Nutrition Classes

WakeMed’s Registered Dietitians present classes designed to be approximately one hour in length; leaving time for discussion and questions. Most classes include a slide presentation and interactive component. Classes can be taught during the lunch hour or at another convenient time to accommodate employees’ schedules.

WakeMed can customize nutrition presentations to meet the needs and interests of your employees.

Some of our most popular classes are listed below:

  • Not Another Salad! How to Eat Healthy During Your Workday
  • Meal Planning: What’s On Your Plate? 
  • Mindful Eating:  Am I Really Hungry? 
  • Clarifying the Confusion: What’s In Your Food?
  • High Blood Pressure: It’s More Than Salt and Stress
  • Mediterranean Diet vs Fad Diets
  • What’s In Season: How to Incorporate Fresh and Local Foods
  • Happy, Healthy, Holiday Eating
  • Cooking Up Better Nutrition
  • Understanding Food Allergies

Meet Our Dietitians

Monika Kraus

Monika Kraus, MS, RD, LDN 
Registered Dietitian

Monika is a registered dietitian who is passionate about helping people to stay well and meet their health goals. She graduated from New York University with a master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition. She has worked in hospital and wellness settings and has a strong interest in health promotion and disease prevention. Since joining WakeMed in 2016, Monika has enjoyed providing one-on-one nutrition counseling, leading interactive nutrition classes and participating in health screenings. Outside of work, she enjoys being active, traveling, and spending time with her husband and two daughters.

Marissa Parminter

Marissa Robinson MS, RD, LDN 
Registered Dietitian

Marissa is a registered dietitian who loves to utilize intuitive eating principles to support people in leading happier and healthier lives. With a background in both nutrition and fitness, Marissa holds a bachelor’s degree in dietetics and a master’s degree in exercise physiology and sports nutrition from Florida State University. Marissa is also a Certified Personal Trainer and loves sharing her passion for joyful movement with all of her clients. Joining WakeMed Corporate and Community Health in 2021, Marissa has enjoyed supporting her clients’ wellness journeys through individualized nutrition counseling and interactive classes. Outside of work, Marissa enjoys trying new restaurants, baking and snuggling her cocker spaniel, Murph.

To schedule your class, please contact us.